Contact Us

The Swedish Coast Guard official opening hours are week days 09.00-16.00, when you’ll find the front office and switchboard manned.
The Swedish Coast Guard
Postal address: PO Box 536, 371 23 Karlskrona
Street address: Bastionsgatan 18, Stumholmen, Karlskrona
Phone +46 776-70 70 00, fax +46 455-105 21
The Swedish Coast Guard Stockholm
Street address: Ljusslingan 26, 120 31 Stockholm
Phone +46 776-70 70 00, fax +46 8-716 26 88
The Swedish Coast Guard Gothenburg
Street address: Käringberget AMF 4
Phone +46 776-70 70 00, fax +46 31-29 36 01
The Swedish Coast Guard Flight Command Unit
Pilotgången 4, 611 92 Nyköping
Phone +46 155-46 71 00, fax +46 155-28 63 73
After Office Hours
After office hours you can reach the Coast Guard at our Command Centre for matters regarding ongoing events.
Public Document
The Swedish Coast Guard is a government agency. This means that everything you send to us via e-mail, regular post or fax will become a public document. All public documents are saved and registered.