Marine Scientific Research
The Swedish Coast Guard (SCG) is the government agency tasked with granting permission to undertake marine scientific research (MSR) in Swedish territorial waters. Permission must also be obtained if a citizen of another country wishes to conduct MSR in the Swedish economic zone.
Permission for entry must be obtained when using a foreign state-owned vessel to undertake MSR in Swedish territorial waters. Such permission is granted by the Swedish Armed Forces and permission to enter Swedish territory is also required for a port visit.
An application to undertake MSR must be submitted to the SCG. The application must include information concerning the scientific research measures, the vessel(s) that will be used and a detailed description of the planned journey within the territorial waters and the economic zone. Note that the SCG is in charge of sending the permit application for the state vessel to enter territorial waters to the appointed body.
Applications to undertake MSR in Swedish territorial waters and economic zone and to enter Swedish territorial waters must be submitted at least six weeks before the planned scientific research journey is scheduled to commence; e.g., if MSR in the Swedish economic zone is planned to begin on 1 June, a complete application has to be submitted to the SCG by 15 May at the latest.
Download the application forms by using the link in the right column.
The application, signed and converted to pdf-format, should be sent together with a separate Excel-file with coordinates given in WGS84 DDM (for example 56°10.339'N 16°56.537'E) through regular diplomatic channels to: