To Detect and Respond

The Swedish Coast Guard is responsible for responding to oil spills and leakages at sea. Damage from spillage of oil and other hazardous substances is to be minimised and nature is to be protected as far as possible.
In order to prevent environmental offences at sea, the Coast Guard conducts environmental monitoring using vessels, aircraft, satellite imagery and other technical equipment. The Coast Guard also participates in specific environmental monitoring missions, both nationally as well as internationally.
The Coast Guard must be able to contain oil spills of up to 10,000 tonnes. In order to prevent oil from entering the water during a shipping accident, the Coast Guard also develops its capabilities in the areas of emergency towing, emergency lightering and fire fighting at sea.
The flight operations of the Coast Guard can quickly survey expansive areas of sea, which increases the potential for early detection of chemical and oil spills. Correct action can then be taken as quickly as possible and the spills can be contained before reaching land. This makes the cleanup operation easier and reduces the risk of damage to the environment. Costs reagarding land operations are rapidly increasing compared to the costs and time needed at sea.